Saturday, October 4, 2008

Bouncing Ball

FINALLY... Friggin' took me long enough, didn't it? Ugh, this week is going to be insanely busy since I screwed myself by waiting to the last minute to get these done. Oh well, I'll live.

Anyway, first flash animation. Woohoo. The bouncing ball. I'm not so sure how I like Flash yet... The way you make keyframes and stuff can be kind of confusing because it seems different than the other programs I've used, like After Effects. Also, I think it's going to take a while for me to get used to the way you have to do inbetweens... I think I'm going to end up favoring the frame-by-frame animation rather than using all the motion tweening. I have more experimentation to do, so maybe my opinion will change.

The other thing too is I don't know if I can feel ready enough to make an animation in flash. Or at least a really good one. I kind of feel like I'm being thrown into this really quickly. I guess it's the best way to learn: trial and error. I just hope it's not at the expense of the quality of my animation. Probably too soon to tell, but those are my thoughts on it all.

Anyway, this is the first try...

This is when I figured out what the ease slider was... Lol... Although, if there's any difference between the two of them, it's very slight. I think on this one, it slows down a little more toward the end. Watch these things long enough and you might see it... >.<

Okay and here is the actual second part of the assignment with the Ease-In/Ease-Out graph thingy.

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